
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Four months

Four months ago, I was awaiting the arrival of our third child.  I was worrying about when and if I should schedule an induction after a false alarm sent us to the hospital then back home again.  Worry, worry, worry.  Who will watch the kids?  Will Jason make it home from work in time?  What doctor will be on call?

Two days after my last post, Boone Jameson was born.  One week after my first hospital stay, I delivered in the same room with the same nursing staff.  I opted for a wonderful epidural this time, and I couldn't have asked for a better doctor or labor story.

Here he is at 7 lbs. 4 oz.

Overwhelmed by tears.  Thankful for undeserved blessings.  God gave me another child to raise, despite my typical human errors. 

Big sister has been dubbed my assistant mommy.  She fetches diapers and has even changed a few wet ones!  She locates the lost pacifiers and holds him whenever she can.

Big brother is so sweet to the little guy too.  I am always impressed by his gentleness.

So many changes have occurred since January. 
Boone aged one month:
Then two months:
Three months:

And tomorrow, Baby Boone will turn four months old:

He sleeps for about 9 hours at night and is on a fairly predictable schedule during the day.  Slowly growing out of the cat-nap stage, he's snoozing for longer periods of time 2-3 times per day.  Boone has been experimenting with those baby vocal chords for a few weeks, but now he's testing the volume levels!  He likes to squeal LOUDLY, and I suspect it's because his siblings are regularly breaking the "inside voice" rule around the house. 

My family of five spent Mother's Day weekend at the beach, and I felt myself finally awaking from that newborn coma.  I think it took longer with the third one.  My brain has been short-circuting with the added responsibilities and schedules, but I still enjoy kissing those fresh cheeks dozens of times each day. 

There are several moments throughout my days when prayers for patience and grace float up through our rooftop. So far, I'm surviving.  I can't believe God has given me this much- a whole, healthy family.

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